Ali Naghi Faghihi, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education
Iran, Qom University
Personal Information
Name: Ali Naghi Faghih.Ph.D.
Current Titles: Assistant Professor of QomUniversity,
Office: TEL: 89-251-285-3311
FAX: 89-251-773-5805
Cell: 89-251-783-1572
Home Address:
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Citizenship: The Qom city of Iran
Date of Birth: 23/ 02/1956
Place of Birth: GHOM, IRAN
1997 Ph.D. in Education University of Tehran
Educational history:
had in council and guidance, general psychology, growth psychology, education psychology, foundation and philosophy of education and teaching in islam and ... , and now have.
Residencies and Fellowships
Management history:
1 - 1987- 2007 Assistant Professor of College of Psychology and Education of Qom University
2 -1997-1988 Department of College of Psychology and Education of Tehran
3 -2003- 2007 president Research of Islamic Counseling in Qom City
From 1385 Jalali to now - Design and implementation of scientific seminars and sessions of Islamic council., four national seminars and seven scientific sessions in the subject of Islamic council with cooperation of scientific centers such as Tehran institute of psychology, research center of Hawzeh and university, Iranian association of psychology has made.
1378 - 1384 Jalali - Design and implementation of educational workshops in council in universities and scientific centers of Hawzah, 15 times.
1384 Jalali - Design and implementation of educational workshop in sexual education of children and teens in the Iran University of Medical Sciences in second national congress of family and sexual problems. (Implementor: Shahid University 2&3th Azar of 1384 Jalali)
1381 Jalali - Establishing of studyng institute of Islamic Council ( Expressing emotions) in Qom.
Founder or Co-Founder of Organizations
Teaching Responsibilities
Throughout my academic career, I have had teaching responsibilities at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as at education psychology schools. The numbers of courses in which I have participated are simply too numerous to list comprehensively; however, some of the courses in which I am currently involved are listed below For the last four towenty years I have been teaching Education courses where I had worked.
Graduate Student Advisor Tehran University (Education students, Ph.D.)
Ph.D. Thesis Advisor- University of Iran (TehranUniversity )
1- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1384) Council in the mirror of science and religion, third edition, Qom, Entesharate Islami.
2- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1384) Encourage and attraction methods to prayer, Tehran, Mehretaban publicational institute.
3- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1384) Psychologic health and ZZZ in the mirror of prayer, Qom, Haiatesabz publication and Studying institute of Islamic council.
4- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1384) Young and personality (Abstracts of accepted articles of fourth seminar of council in the view of Islam), Qom, Studying institute of Islamic council.
5- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1381) Council in the mirror of science and religion, Second edition with additions, Qom, Islamic publication.
6- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi and colleagues (1380), Views of moslem scientists about education and its fundamentals, forth volume, Tehran, Samt.
7- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1380) Young and calmness, ( Third Seminars of Islamic council"s abstracts of articles), Research center of Hawzah and University.
8- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi and colleagues (1379), Views of moslem scientists about education and its fundamentals, forth volume, Tehran, Samt.
9- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1379), identification resources in the psychology mental health and Islamic council, Qom, Hazrate-maesoomeh(pbuh) publication.
10- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1379), Scientific reports of Scientific Sessions of Council at Islamic view"s seminar, Qom, Hazrate-masoomeh(pubh) publication.
11- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1379), Articles" abstracts of second seminar of Islamic council, Qom, Hazrate-masoome(pbuh) publication.
12- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1377), Expressing the aims of economics of education at Islamic view, Tehran, Research center of education.
13- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1377), Aims of education at the Islamic view, Tehran, Samt.
14- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1377), Views of moslem scientists about education and its fundamentals, first volume, Tehran, Samt.
15- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1377), collection of articles of first seminar of Islamic council, Qom, Research center of Hawzah and university.
16- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1376), Council in the mirror of science and religion, first edition, Qom, Islami publication.
17- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1376), ZZZ in the age of prophet of islam(pbuh), Qom, Qom University.
18- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1375), A new view to history of philosophy, Qom, Islami publication.
19- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1375), Recognition of way and destination, Qom, Islami publication.
20- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1373), Fundamentals and technics of council and guiding, Tehran, Islamic propagation organization.
Publications (Peer-reviewed Articles)
1- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1385), Investigation the patterns of being religious in Quran and tradition, Quarterly of religious thought, Shiraz, Faculty of literature and human sciences of Shiraz university.
2- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1385), Investigation of levels of being religious in the Hadith texts, Quarterly of Islamic knowledges association, Qom, Islamic knowledges association.
3- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1384), Sexual education in childhood, teenage and youngness ages at the view of Islam, articles" collection, diagnosis and treatment of cognitive psychological disorders of children and teens, Mohammad Khodaiarifard and Mohsen Shokohi-iekta, Tehran, Yastoroon publication.
4- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1383), The meaning of personality in religion, Abstract of selected articles of fourth seminar of council in Islamic view, Qom, Studying institute of Islamic council.
5- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1383), Personality crisis in the religious view, Abstract of selected articles of fourth seminar of council in Islamic view, Qom, Studying institute of Islamic council.
6- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1382), Components of pious in the view of religion, Abstract of selected articles of seminar of psychometrics theoretical fundamentals, Qom, Research center of Hawzah and university and Faculty of psychology and educational sciences, Tehran University.
7- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1382), The process of obsession"s treatment, Comparing the Islamic and traditional methods, Maerefat Magazine, Qom, Educational and researching Institure of Imam Khomeiny(pbuh).
8- Faghihi, Ali-Naghi (1382),
Selected Abstracts
From over 150 abstracts and podium presentations at scientific meetings in the U.S. and abroad.
RThe Role of cognitive - Therapy In the Remedy of Depression viewing Islamic Resources
RComparing Beck and Islamic approaches to treatment of depression
RPsychological trainings of couples based on prophets tradition and hadith, and its effects on marital relations.
RFoundation and principles of sex education from kornic perspective, and
prophet tradition
RCounseling based of human nature approach
RMetacognitive guidelines based on Quran and Hadith
Concept of health in Qoran and Hadith
Psychology of soul from Islamic perspective
survey of college student"s attitudes concerning the gender role, and comparing it with Islamic perspectiveُ
Workshop on: children and juveniles sex education founded on the Islamic Approach.
R Etiology and process of therapy in depression with emphasis in Islamic point of view. 28th International congress of Psychology held in Beijing, China from August 8 to August 13, 2004. R Investigating the IMPACT of cognitive, affective, behavioral, and spiritual therapy ( with emphasis on the Islamic traditional) in treatement of depression. 9th European Congress of Psychology July 3- 8 Granada.
R Investigating levels of religiousness in the context of prophet"s tradition. ( from Psychological point of view). 26th International congress of applied psychology july 16-21, 2006- athens greece.
R Comparing multimodal cognitive spiritual and behavioral approach based on Islamic literature and cognitive therapy in treatment of depression. 26th International congress of applied psychology july 16-21, 2006- athens greece. R Obsession and its treatment: A contrast between tow cognitive methods ( Islamic therapy and traditional therapy). 26th International congress of applied psychology july 16-21, 2006- athens greece.
R Crucial factors in deviant sexual behaviors of high school students. 26th International congress of applied psychology july 16-21, 2006- athens greece. R Investigating the religious levels in context of prophets tradition ( from psychological point of view). 26th International congress of applied psychology july 16-21, 2006-Athens greece. R Sexual education in childhood adolescence and youth period from Islamic view point. 26th International congress of applied psychology july 16-21, 2006- athens greece.
RPsychological trainings of couples based on prophets tradition and hadith, and its effects on marital relations.
Metacognitive guidelines based on Quran and Hadith R
RInvestigating levels of religious ness in the context of prophets tradtion (Hadith)
Comparison of cognitive approach of beck with multi modal approach of cognitive, affective, spiritual, and behavioral approach based on Islamic hadith.
Research design :
R (Comparison of Islamic view with students points of view regarding differences in universities of Tehran and Qom.)
R ( Investigating instigating factors of abnormal sexual behaviors among high school students in Tehran and Qom.)
نوشته شده در یکشنبه 86/12/5ساعت 4:7 عصر  توسط علی نقی فقیهی
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